Sunday, June 7, 2015

Dad's Swearing In

 Watching the ceremony, boredom soon set in. 

An Evening at the Cabin

 A view from the loft
Getting "Jedi braids"

Pine Wood Derby

 Just thought I'd throw in a random pic of Ryan Sharp, no reason (hee hee)

 Getting set
 The "Glitter Bomb" 

 "Eat my Glitter!"

Hawkes Car Race!! Left to Right: Mary's, Dad's old car, Jordan's old car, and Christian's. (Jordan's won, he had carved it out and melted weights into it) 

Our ward had the Achievement Day Girls join in on the scouts' pine wood derby this year (which I appreciated...who says girls don't enjoy race cars??) Dad helped Mary make a darling blue car, which did really well in the races, almost making it to the finals. 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Just Chillin'

Mary and Christian have developed a deep love for Jordan and Mom's Kindle Fires, (which they call Ipads). Mary's favorite games are Pottery, My Boo, Candy Crush, and the virtual piano. 


Rainbow (or Crazy) Looms are super popular with girl's around Mary's age right now. They come with bags of little colored bands which you use your "loom" to weave into bracelets and other fun stuff. Mary loves learning new patterns and exchanging bracelets with friends. 

Festival of Trees

One of Mary's first recitals, at the Festival of Trees 2013. 

Santa Letter

This is Mary's Santa letter from Christmas 2013.